How I made 130 USD per day with WebTesting in less than 7 hours of Work
The most efficient way of earning while enjoying.
There are still some passive income techniques that most people don’t know about. Every year, I have a resolution to try out a new income technique.
Last year, I found out about Web Testing.
Now let me clear first, It doesn’t require coding/developer knowledge.
Even a student or a part-time worker who has a basic knowledge of how websites work can easily make up to USD 500, per month.
Yes exactly! 500 bucks for just checking in websites and finding bugs is insane.
The best thing is that you don’t need a whole setup or laptop or computer for that. You just need your smartphone.
Even though the devices you can work with include:
- Laptop
- Macbook/Tablet
- Smartphones (Android/ios)
- Wearables (Smartwatches)
- Streaming devices
Most people spend 6–8 hours per day just watching reels on Instagram or scrolling through different social sites. Just imagine switching from wasting time on reels to making 100 USD, per day for scrolling and finding bugs in a…